Bix Krieger | Sheer Talent Management

Sheer Talent Management | Yuka Swearengin
Height: 5'2" | Eye Color: Blue | Hair Color: Brown
Daughter of The Cult | Hulu | Recurring
Fatal Temptation | ReelShort | Series Regular
People Magazine Investigates: Cults | Lucky 8 TV | Co-Star
I'd Kill for You | NBC Peacock Productions | Guest Star
Evil Lives Here | Red Marble Media | Co-Star
American As | Dir. Lauren Baldwin | Supporting
Ranger Danger | Dir. Sean Cruser | Supporting
Ape X Mecha Ape | The Asylum/Dir. Marc Gottlieb | Lead
Monster Mash | The Asylum/Dir. Jose Prendes | Supporting
All the Red Shoes | Dir. Natalie Silverman | Lead
Swipe | Dir. Ben Klebaknoff | Lead
Feasts for Beasts | Dir. Jonathan Moret | Supporting
Road to Joy | Dir. Ian Curtiss | Lead
Rabbit Hole | Abington Theatre NYC | Izzy
The Seagull | Robert Moss Theatre NYC | Nina
The Children's Hour | June Havoc Theatre NYC | Mary Tilford
Cinderella | NY Tour | Cinderella
Dora the Explored Live! | NY Tour | Backpack/Pirate Piggy
*Conflicts Upon Request
Training & Workshops
Audition Intensive (Ongoing) | Annie Grindlay Studio | Annie Grindlay
Improv 101 | UCB | Cory Willis
Scene Study | Michael Laskin Studio
Monologue Method | The Actors Project NYC | Bobby Holder
Five Towns College | BFA Theatre Arts
Certified Yoga Instructor, Drivers License, US Passport, Accents (New York, British), Singing (Mezzo Soprano), Dance (Modern, Jazz, Hip Hop, Musical Theatre), Athletics (Gymnastics, Pilates/Yoga, Swimming, Biking),
Costume & Fashion Designer/Seamstress